Friday, January 21, 2011

paris vs new york

la romantique

Awhile back I landed myself upon this little blog, Paris vs. New York, a tally of two cities, and what can I say except, "I'm hooked!" Like really.

They compare the likeness and the differences of the two cities and for those out there that know me well, I love both cities.  And by love, I mean, I'm quite obsessed.  Ask the mister. So I pretty much enjoy flipping through their comparisons and smiling about how true they really are.


Seriously, who doesn't like these two cities??  It might break my heart to find out someone does..  Hopefully one day, I will get the chance to finally visit Paris with the mister!! *wink*  And hopefully too, I can take him to NYC so he can experience what I did and see why I love the city like I do.



  1. paris is a dream. and nyc too! i've only been once, but that was all it took to completely, totally enchant me. happy weekend!

  2. I say you need to honeymoon in Paris. I'm sure you already have a tropical one booked, but it's where we went and it was wonderful. Thanks for sharing this fun tally--can't wait to check it out :) xoxo {av}

  3. This is too cute!

    I hope you have a great weekend!! :)

  4. Where are you going for your honeymoon??

  5. growing up in ny, you would have thought i would have been to the big city but nope! i need to go! and paris! i wanted to go so bad our senior year of high school with the rest of the gang but we were poor! poop!:(

  6. i love the art of these cool!

  7. this is so cute!! im so excited for when i go to paris and can compare the two myself[:

  8. I am in love with NYC and have been for as long as I can remember. I love that creative!!

  9. Hey there! cute blog! I see you are preparing for the big day! I hope everything is going good for you and as planned! I am a wedding blogger so I hope you check my site out and become a follower!

    Good luck with everything! I look forward to seeing wedding pics!

    ~Romantic Savy


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