Thursday, December 30, 2010

auld lang syne

2010 is pretty much behind us now, and 2011 is sitting outside our front door. time sure does fly doesn't it??  plenty of us are pondering what our next New Year's resolution will be or how next year will be "different."

so many things have happened to me this year, both wonderful & not so wonderful, but i wouldn't change anything.  it all happens for a reason, just another chapter to my life book.

i got engaged to the mister.  i saw my nephew start elementary school. i have learned so many things. i have been to a funeral. i've been to a wedding. we have laughed. we have cried.  we have gained. we have lost.  we have lived.

♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥

 All in all, it has been a GREAT year.  2011 can only be sweeter, and I'm ready for it!

i hope so many of you have had the same amount of joy and pleasure from 2010 that i did.  and with new year's eve tomorrow, i hope you all party it up! 2010 only comes once. 

 stay safe, be merry, have a drink for me, and kiss someone at midnight! love you all cyber lovelies! see you in 2011!

auld lang syne!


  1. Good take on things happening for a reason! Happy New Year to you!

  2. happy new year, sweet bethani! hope yours is filled with happiness;)

    just mailed your pen pal letter! 2011 is off to a head start!

  3. I love this post and I love your blog :) I'm a new follower!!! Happy New Years love.


  4. Hope 2011 is fabulous for you!!

    Come and enter my very first giveaway if you like...
    xx Christie

  5. oh bethani, what a splendid post! your blog really has such loveliness. cheers to a very happy, successful new year lades! ♥


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