Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
I35 South to Elm Mott. Can't miss it!
I'm so glad Thanksgiving is done, bc now we are in full tilt Christmas mode, which I LOVE! I think I could live in Christmas times all year round and not be sad about it. The tree is up, well it has been for about 3 weeks now, decor is out, gifts are wrapped and Christmas music is playing. I love CHRISTmas!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
something old.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
the christmas air is in the distance
One of the things we do at work is a Cookie Exchange during the Holidays. This year I'm going to try out AskAida's Toasted Coconut and Orange Icebox Cookies. They sound totally FABULOUS! I will let you know how they turn out.
Besides that, we go out to dinner as a department and do the Christmas tree thing. Busy busy I tell ya.
Damon and I are already planning out the tree, gifts, and decor as it gets closer and closer and things begin going on sale. I must say this is my most favorite time of the year.
Monday, November 2, 2009
the nip in the air is comforting
I pulled out the first of the christmas decor this weekend. (yes i know, only november 2,) but really, I'm a christmas decorating fool. I love everything winter, christmas-y and lovely. I can't help it. And my goals are to make Damon a little more Holiday this year. :)
On all the blogs I read, the favorite things list is a must and I can say I have not offically done one before so here it goes (fall edition):
Thursday, October 22, 2009
i apologize
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
killers and cake batter
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
ancho chiles and stitches
I also am going to make the Spicy Tortilla Soup out of my Food Network magazine. Yum yum, I can't wait for the turn out.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
remembering moments past

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
soup's on

Friday, September 11, 2009
i smell the fallness
Thursday, August 27, 2009
i run for hope. i run to feel. i run for the truth. and all that is real.
early saturday mornings :)
moose is warming up to camille nicely, so i definetely get to keep her :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
it's a girl
we adopted her this past weekend from the Rescue Organization, Kool Kats, where Damon got the other two babies from, Moose and Dexter.
They tried that 2 for 1 special thing again, but this time I wouldnt fall for the bait.
Moose is taking longer to warm up to her than Dexter is, but Dexter befriends anything.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
megan wants a murderer?
i typically read the morning news when i get to work, just to catch up on the world and its going ons. and sometimes the stories that actually make the front page news will be those oddities that are totally worth posting about.
damon and i watch alot of the series on VH1. well he will probably claim i'm the main one who watches and i will take the blame. I find most of them down right amusing and great time fillers if you ask me. especially the bachelor/ette knock-offs they come up with.
right now its about Megan. She didn't make it on Beauty and the Geek. She didn't make it on Rock of Love either. so maybe the third time's a charm thing will work for her? Doubt it. Anyway these guys are hysterical that want to "win her love." They have to be millionaires, well in one case about to be millionaires. He was waiting on a family member to die in his case. The assortment of men is all over. Plumbers, investors, vodka makers, a "pleasure toy" business owner and then you have the Canadian, Ryan. Not sure about what he does, but he did mention he can't work in the United States unless he marries an American, but of course he will not make her sign a pre-nup. Nothing like reeling them in!
So back to my reading the newspaper, now that you know about egotistical, money hungry, Canadian Ryan. He apparently is wanted in the disappearance and murder of a stripper/model in California. SHOCKING! So this obviously lets me know Megan didnt pick him. But seriously are you that pathetic guy? Someone who has that kind of money and that kind of pull in society, offs someone? Pathetic!
with my healthy lifestyle back in almost full swing, i have been trying new recipes. and even trying new foods. a co-worker introduced me to Edamame about a month ago, and since then I can't stop eating it. Its a great source of protein and has 100 calories in 1/2 a cup (which makes me full!) they buy theirs from Costco, but I find it to be a waste of money to spend $50 on a membership just to buy Edamame and maybe some frozen chicken. I shopped high and low to find it elsewhere and surprisingly more places carry it than i thought. Walmart is where i got mine.. Sea Point Farms. its Fantastic! I think its better than the brand from Costco..
If you are interested in trying it, its in the frozen food veggie section. I recommend heating them in the microwave in a microwave safe container for about 3 minutes so they are nice and yummy. Then pop out of the pod and enjoy!
Monday, August 17, 2009
bakers chocolate and moving boxes
Steve, Grayce's boyfriend bought (well adopted) her a female polydactyl kitten and gave it to her yesterday. She is soooooo cute. They named her Princess Zelda and she has 28 toes! 28! Being about baby kitties just keeps bringing back the thought of us wanting another kitty, but a girl kitty. Damon and I have talked about getting another cat (well kitten) for quite some time so yesterday just made it 10 times worse.
So what did we do?! No we didnt go adopt a cat (even though i wanted to.) I didnt find one I liked or one that REALLY tugged at the heart strings..Well except the one-eyed cat... she was sooooooo sweet.
I'm gonna have to start taking pictures more, so everyone who reads this can grasp my life and world a little better than you can with just words. Its my new goal.. Or one of many.
This week we've also started the healthier lifestyles, because I was becoming upset with myself and the way I have been eating. So hopefully I can drop those gained and unwanted pounds to get back what I had in December. (bleh)
I also made the chocolate mousse recipe that I got from Food & Family. It was delish! I used 2% milk and light cool whip.... I suggest making sure the cool whip is totally thawed before whipping it into your pudding mixture. Mine was still a little frozen so ours was more pudding than mousse, but I definetely will be making it again.
Tonight is the foil fajita chicken. I cant wait!
Friday, August 14, 2009
have i told you i love kraft's food and family?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Are you ready for some football?!
so tonight I will become intiated i guess you could say, whether I am willing or against my will. I'm gonna try to get into football more. For his sake. And my sanity.
Monday, August 10, 2009
stay puff marshmallow man
and my poor body is starting to look like it. I've got to go back into my healthy ways.
Monday... its gonna happen. It has to!
auf wiedersehen
went to damon's moms yesterday to visit and see how the new floors/unpacking were coming along. Man it looks GREAT! I love the hardwood floors. I'm in love with them actually.
she gave me abunch of kitchen things, and you know me and kitchen things. I was thrilled to get them. also I bummed all her past Food and Family magazines to make copies. I love Food and Family. They have soooo many great recipes and ideas. so with that I told Damon that I am gonna start trying lots of new recipes out.
I cant wait to get started. :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Need a prayer? Just call.
It was for a prayer hotline. I never in a million years would have thought there were prayer hotlines. 24/7/365 ones for that. Yes I know they have the prayer towers and prayer rooms at churches/cathedrals/mosques/etc where theres 24 hr praying, but yea never a prayer hotline. I was just baffled. Meh. Guess I am a little more diverse now than I was before.
Monday, August 3, 2009
batter batter everywhere and not a drop to eat
I'm not really sure why we changed license plates, all i do know is i dont like them. they dont even look Texan!
Saturday we went to my grandma's for a Birthday lunch with her. Happy 74th Birthday Grandma!! Or like you say 72nd, since we are going back in age now.
even though it was a rough day, it was a good day :) I love you <3
BTW, I miss him as much as you do.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
the <3 & karma aren't always friends
sadly enough, i dont feel sorry for them. that may sound like the worst thing for a person to say about someone elses' sorrows and woes, but i really don't feel upset for them in the slightest. because when you play with fire, you will eventually get burned.
to: mother nature - please stay the way you are right now, because you're truly wonderful.
pre-planning <3
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
its coming together
this is what they look like, just not our apartment
the weather has been absolutely wonderful. between all the rain that we really really need, and the much cooler weather, it really couldnt be better. well it could. it could stay cool ALL the time, but meh it being 80's and July/August is WONDERFUL! And if anyone reading this is from the south you know exactly what I mean.
off to grab some breakfast coffee <3
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
optimism is prime
My guilty pleasure has become NYC Prep. I'm not quite sure why, but I love it. Maybe its the fact of it being NYC, and I love everything NYC. Like enough to marry it! :) I think the fact that these kids have more money than they need and their egos are much bigger than any normal adults, just baffles me, and makes me want to watch more of it. I must say Camille is one of those girls that will never figure it out, or probably will never find a man to put up with her. Last night I watched her go on this date with a guy, that PC had set her up with. This poor guy didnt have a clue. He made the mistake of asking Camille what her hobbies were and the date went down hill from there. I tend to think that some of the kids make it seem that they are being "players" and see more "action" than they really do. Who knows. I'm still intrigued.
I can't wait for Real Housewives NJ & NYC to start back up for another season.
Next week (Friday, 24th) is the birthday for one of the girls at work and I'm responsible for bringing in goodies for her little celebration. I'm thinking and thinking of options. She doesn't like chocolate. So we shall see what fun, festive, yummy treats I come up with.
My birthday is in 8 days. Yay. Then I'm 25. Should I be excited? Because, meh, I really personally am like whatever this year. Damon told me to come up with a list of items I wanted. Nothing too exciting.
Yea. I know. I'm getting old.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
french beignets and kirklands
the new apartment is absolutely wonderful.. everything about it is amazing and a million times better than the other place. its a quiet building, 1st floor, fluffy pretty carpet, huge bathrooms/closets, pantry and a dining room for the lovely table we purchased off of craigslist. the only downfall was we realized it didnt have a microwave (weird right?), so he got one from his mom & stepdad for his birthday.
once we get settled more and i remember to take pictures i will for all to see.. The babies, Moose and Dexter, absolutely love the new apartment.. I have seen a 180 in Moose since we have moved.. He is so much more lively these days, and he ACTUALLY mews now. Dexter just suns now in the giant windows.. Lazy Ol Cat!
Damon's birthday is Thursday (Happy early Bday Babe!) and it seems as though we have a million people to eat dinner with, only its just his dad and then his mom.. Him having two sets of parents is something I am still getting somewhat used to. I was always used to one dinner for everything growing up and its multiplied now.
I found this amazing nail polish made by Flossie out of Florida that I must order..
RIP MJ. I watched blips of the memorial/listened in the background at work today.. I just about boohooed when his daughter, Paris spoke.. Ugh! Tug at the heart strings will you.. I think I may have an old school MJ music night during dinner.. He was weird and even possibly a perv, but man! he made awesome music! <3
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
the kitty claws are out
I must admit I am addicted, well beyond addicted to the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I have been an avid watcher since it began airing and haven't missed a moment since. For some reason this group of ladies is; I have enjoyed more than all the others. Maybe all the NJ drama and the accents to go with it. Oh and that big freakin hair on Teresa. And maybe the fact that Jacqueline has a identical twin that I just so happen to work with.
But anyway, watched the reunion, well part 1 of 2 last night. Wow! Some of the things these ladies have the nerve to say to one another. I could tell Danielle is still very upset about the whole situation with the "book." But you know, you brought it all on yourself by starting the fight at dinner. If it was 25 years ago and not a big deal anymore and you don't want it to be a big deal anymore, than why keep it going? I just don't understand that part of it.
I was actually reading an article on one of the magazine/gossip websites this morning about the interviews that are going to be in People magazine, I think it actually came out today. But anyway, apparently Jacqueline (I'm stealing her name for a kid one day..human or pet..) and Danielle are no longer friends, even though Jacqueline stuck up for Danielle at the dinner, due to the fact that more dirty laundry is coming out about Danielle. She's not such a pretty housemom after all.
I'm ready to buy the magazine and read it all for myself.
Ready for season 2 to start already. And I really hope Dina does something with that hair of hers, bc the peroxide blonde just doesnt work. I'm sorry..
I also think it would be super exciting if they did Real Housewives of somewhere in DFW like Southlake or Plano or Addison.. that would GREAT! I would definetely watch!
Moving >> 6 days to go :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
here we come..
the new place is soooo much prettier and more to our liking and I can't wait for the excitement to begin. we have been packing every chance we get in order to be getting everything moved when the day comes rather than still packing.
besides that, the heat is beyond ridiculous and anyone else living here knows what i am talking about.. thats one reason we are glad to be moving into the 1st floor rather than the 2nd or even the 3rd in some cases, because its always cooler on the first floor :)
I hope everyone is well. Once we get moved in and settled i will begin baking/cooking more.. more space + a dining room <3
Sunday, June 14, 2009
just stick it out.. it wont be long
and we found exactly that i am happy to say. i left the ultimate decision up to him because mainly its him on the current lease so it would be more of a hassle for him than for myself. it came down to leaving from our appointment and he was busted out with "im ready to fill out an application," so we did, paid our money and waited to hear something back.. not even an hour from that cherie called us with the great news.. we had a new home, we just dont know when the exact day is but its within the next few weeks/month. plenty of time, plus i have vacation coming up so it could possibly work out nicely. will post pictures of our new place when we get in and settled.
other exciting news this weekend... damon sent me a text on friday about the celebrity baseball game going on in frisco yesterday and how he wanted to go, mainly because a bunch of current and past cowboys would be there.
we went out there, and it was freaking HOT! i was completely miserable.. but
it was worth it, even though i felt as though i was going to die. Damon got to get Jason Witten's autograph, which he really wanted. Soon there after i couldnt take it any more, so we left.. even before the actual game started, but not seeing the game, but knowing he got the one autograph he really wanted made it worth every penny i spent. instead we went out to haslet and took his little sisters swimming and ate.
other than that, not much else is new in our worlds.. so im going to say bye for now and go take a shower.
Friday, June 5, 2009
vacay in the future?

Thursday, June 4, 2009
sad day on lost prairie
its all in the finanacing/mortgage people's hands.
so we are going to get another apartment, which we found lots of perks in doing, so it all works out nicely.
plus like my mom always told me and now i'm always telling him, everything happens for a reason, whether we see that reason in 5 minutes or 15 years we will see it.
but gotta go, breakfast is calling.
Friday, May 29, 2009
mind at ease
-we have texture on our walls (yes walls!) and the brick is finally finished alot with the address plaque which is totally lovely and adorable. we may even actually have a mailbox by the time we make it out there tonight...
-counters/cabinets/shelving/baseboards hopefully to be in next week. *crossing our fingers on that one)
also, Damon got with one of his friends, Lance, who does home loans part time and he is going to help damon out, which means no more of HMS who have been giving Damon the run around... this has totally put my mind at ease, knowing we will have a loan ready for us when closing time rolls around, which looks to be in 3-4 weeks. Seriously?!?>! I can't believe that.. It was just dirt what seems to be like yesterday!
Hopefully I will have pictures soon.. I know I know i keep saying that.. I've just been CRAZY busy.
Oh and we have found our new weekend place, the lake! And I'm actually getting color and exercise at the same time.. Its perfect!
Love you all.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
plain and boring
so i'm stuck with ugliness until them..
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
bristol and classic linen
I can't wait to take pictures :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
welcome to the neighborhood
From the time that we started going out there we have seen alot of the neighbors coming and going, being nosey as to who their new residents are, etc. As we were getting ready to leave to head back to Gvine, the guy across the street approached us and welcomed us to the neighborhood. Before you know it the whole strip of neighbors right there by us began filtering out of their lives to come over and introduce themselves. I like to know now we are not moving into an old folks community or neighboring with a group full of weirdos. This now makes me even more excited to move in and start living the neighborhood lifestyle again.
I know I have been alittle disappointing on the picture posting lately, but since I have taken over Pam's desk at work I really haven't had any quality photo uploading time. :( oh well, and plus now that i think about it i think i left the camera in Damon's truck. Meh oh well.
Work has been extremely crazy in my world, learning so many things as quickly as possible, so typically by the end of the week now, my brain is usually the consistency of jello.
Damon and I are well, just ready for that house to be finished already. :) <3
Monday, May 11, 2009
seriously....did this just happen???
the changes today could be a very great thing.. its just going to be an extremely lengthy process if it remains permanent (which i kind of hope it does)
it has occupied my WHOLE work day, so I will try to swipe chucks computer tonight to do an official update about whats been going on with us in the past few days.
love and miss you all <3
Friday, May 8, 2009
i know its 5 o clock somewhere... just not here :(
but i promise lots of things have been done (like walls, windows and doors). ive just been so busy that i havent time.
sorry for the let down.. hopefully this weekend maybe or monday at the latest... i promise!
enjoy the nice weather everyone... <3
Thursday, May 7, 2009
animals, fish, and fun
kid in a candy store
even with knowing, I act completely like a 5 year old in their favorite store getting to pick whatever they want.. Its sooooooo exciting, seeing something new being done, no matter how big or small it is... we are now to the point that we go out everyday, just to see and check, just in case. and it never gets old or boring either..
we had a boxed ceiling upgrade for the master bedroom (you can kind of tell here)
from the backyard (you see the master and kitchen)
they also started the exterior walls (2 sheets up) yay!
so now we are waiting for the rest of the exterior walls and the windows/doors to be put in.... hopefully today that will happen....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
matchsticks aligned..
Monday, May 4, 2009
customizing, updating
otherwise notice the url change also.
more soon <3
craigslist <3
So we gave Craigslist a try, and I am absolutely in love with that site now. Here's what we found and purchased last week, and I must say, I can't wait to see it in the house and start using them:

The table - it has a leaf so it will expand to 54 x 54; counter height

The chairs - we got all four of them to go with the table, and they are cushioned and comfy
We got all of them for a fantastic deal which we couldn't pass up, and everything is in fanstastic condition, so that made me even more willing to get it... So now the hunt is on for the black side by side fridge. We're in no hurry, since we have until July to find one.
The frame is being started today, so by the end of the week we should have a "house." I can't wait for that!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
peek out your head from those clouds
The gloominess in the sky is starting to depress me, I need some sunshine and vitamin D. So show off yourself and come out already..
My lovely treo bit the dust the other day :( so I am back to my little free nokia I got when I signed up for AT&T. I've thought about using my insurance and the 50 bucks to get a new one, but I'm afraid of what "comparable" crap they will send me. I just want a IPhone already. or an Instinct (but thats only with Sprint and it would have to be chrome, not that nasty copper color)
Other news, the foundation is complete on the house and now it must cure for the 10 days before the frame is started.. Thats really when the excitement will begin, bc at that point you have an actual house to begin walking through. I can't wait and neither can Damon. I still think I'm more excited than he is.

Man I have a hankerin'